Ever feel like you keep working harder but your results don’t get better?

That was me prior to Covid. In 2019 I had two out-of-the-blue seizures and the doctors could only provide me with “it must be stress”. I was absolutely stressed hosting multiple events a week at HUNT & GATHER and trying to keep ARTdeezine afloat with many small projects and I felt all over the place. I was spreading myself so thin and I was failing at everything because I was overwhelmed and too busy to stop and come up with a smarter plan.

When Covid hit and I was forced to stop running. I was able to get clear and focused. But I didn’t do it alone. I was feeling so scared and desperate I attended a Soul Savvy Virtual VISION WORKSHOP that literally changed the trajectory of my entire life.

Have you been there? At a point where you know, things need to change but you feel stuck. It can be challenging to know how to create better outcomes other than working or pushing harder. How do you create more without doing more?

You need a breakthrough. But how? 

The first step is to accept that you would have already created the results you want if you knew how to do it.

Second step?

Focus on increasing your awareness. NO one works 14 hour days because they love it. No one is exhausted and burnt out because they love that. It’s because they don’t have an awareness of how to create results without pushing. I am so thrilled that my good friend, Lauren Brollier, taught me how to create even greater love, money, and happiness, without waking up at 5 am, meditating for 3 hours a day, or pushing even harder. She taught me that there is a formula, a system to create results, and it can be easy. I want to share all of it with you, so you’re invited to a live, virtual workshop with Lauren where she will unpack the results formula that worked for me and can work for you too.

In this workshop you will learn:

• THE PROVEN RESULTS FORMULA FOR CREATING SUCCESS so you can build dream after dream with no limit.

• THE #1 REASON MOST PEOPLE FAIL TO CREATE REAL CHANGE even though you’ve done all the “right” things like working hard, waking up earlier, meditating, or setting goals.

• HOW TO EFFECTIVELY REPROGRAM FEELINGS OF FEAR doubt, worry, insecurity, and unworthiness holding you back in this challenging time— and replace them with clarity, confidence, and prosperity-focused mindset that will propel you toward your goals and dreams.

• HOW TO CREATE A PLAN OF “INSPIRED ACTIONS” FOR FAST, CONSISTENT PROGRESS toward your dreams, free from procrastination and without hard work, stress, or worry… so that you’ll never end up at a standstill wondering, “What do I do next?”

• WHY 90% OF DREAMS DIE WITH THE PEOPLE WHO DREAMED THEM and how to overcome it and live the life of your dreams for real.

Whether you know what you’re passionate about and need help creating results, or you feel lost and stuck and not sure where to go next, this workshop is for you! It’s time to step into your greatness and create a life you’re absolutely enthused to live.

Join me for The Vision Workshop Virtual! Let’s create great results together!

June 19th, 2021 at 9 am PST